My son was an A* maths student last year. This year his grades slipped a bit as the syllabus got more challenging. He had a term of tuition with Miss Nikki and his grades went right back up again. He enjoyed his weekly sessions and it really helped to develop his knowledge base and his confidence!

In October 2022, Footsteps School was awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark Award.
Please find the full report here:
In October 2022, Footsteps School was inspected by the Office of Education Standards (OES) for our second full inspection.
Please find the full report here:
Footsteps School was graded as good overall. We are thrilled to have been graded Excellent in Curriculum, Positive Behaviour for Learning, Civic and Environmental Understanding and Links with Parents and the Community.
A few highlights from the report:
'Students’ behaviour and their attitudes to their work and to learning were excellent. They were proud citizens of Cayman and had a very good understanding of its culture. Students had a passionate interest in its flora and wildlife and the environmental factors that affect the island and the globe.'
'Teaching was consistently good, and teachers provided engaging, interesting, and motivating lessons and activities. Consequently, students were committed to doing their best in their work and made at least good progress in their learning. Students responded thoughtfully and enthusiastically to every opportunity presented to them.'
'Leadership at the school was strong and continued to be good. Leaders set the culture of the school and the ethos and values permeated all aspects of school life.'
'The relationship the school had with its parents and the community was excellent and the beneficial to the students. Parents received excellent information about how their child was progressing and they in turn supported the school in many practical ways such as offering specialist professional advice. Staff were well qualified and deployed with every adult ready to play a part in each students’ school experience as necessary.'
'The curriculum was broad, balanced and covered academic, creative, physical, and practical learning experiences. Outdoor nature learning was an integral part of the curriculum providing opportunities for more hands-on learning for all abilities and needs. Regular weekly visits to the beach, forest or Dart Park offered challenge, choice, personalisation, and progression particularly for students who found the classroom environment more difficult. Key subjects were covered with a focus upon the needs of a wide range of students through bespoke and well-crafted inclusive provisions.'
In December 2020, Footsteps School was inspected by the Office of Education standards (OES) in the Cayman Islands.
The full report can be read here: http://oes.gov.ky/portal/pls/portal/docs/1/13031178.PDF
Footsteps school was graded as ‘good’ overall.
We are thrilled to have received excellent grades in Curriculum, Positive Behaviour for Learning and Links with Parents and the Wider Community.
A few highlights from the report:
‘Students’ personal development and their conduct in lessons and around the school were exemplary… All students were polite and courteous in their interactions with their peers, staff and visitors. This was evident in lessons and at break and lunch times. Students demonstrated tolerance towards their peers and co-operated well with each other…Students wore their school uniform with pride.’
‘The school’s link with parents and the community was excellent. Parents made meaningful contributions to the work of the school... The school had established strong links with parents secured through regular two-way communication and effective partnerships.’
‘Students enjoyed excellent relationships with staff. They responded well to the high expectations set regarding their behaviour and respected the excellent role models presented to them by their teachers’. And also, ‘Teaching was good in English, mathematics and science. Teachers were knowledgeable about their students’ abilities and had good subject knowledge. Time in lessons was well used with an emphasis on learning rather than on just completing the task. Minimal time was spent managing behaviour because teachers planned engaging lesson content and expectations were consistently high. This allowed all students to made good progress from their starting points.’